College Hill Reformed Church


Shepherding Groups

The congregation is divided into shepherding groups, each of which has two elders assigned for oversight. Each shepherding group provides opportunities for prayer, fellowship, oversight, communication, and coordination. 


For more information contact Pastor Titus Martin.


Youth Ministries

We have a youth group that participates in Bible studies together, as well as fun activities such as Ice Cream Crawls, trips to Cedar Point, pool days, and bonfires. There are also many youth retreats in our denomination, time for kids to be able to get time away to learn about the Lord and spend fellowship time together.

For more information, contact Pastor Jason Thoman.

During the school year, we offer Sunday School classes for all age groups in order to get them involved with their peers in learning more about the Bible.

We offer nursery services each Sunday to any families with young ones that need to be tended to during our worship services.

College Ministry

DASH stands for Discipleship, Accountability, & Service on the Hill. DASH groups are usually comprised of 2-5 college students meeting together with one mentor from the church to study the Bible, get involved in church events, and find ways to serve others.

For more information, contact Pastor Titus Martin.

Student Swarm is a fellowship event almost every Sunday night after evening worship in which college students are invited to a family’s house to enjoy fellowship and an abundance of food.

We have a ministry specifically focused on bringing international students into our congregation as we understand the transition to college in a different country can be difficult.

For more information, contact Pastor Hao Lu.

College Hill Reformed Church

Women's Ministry

There are a variety of opportunities for the women of our church to grow and serve together.

For more information contact Patty McCracken.

Many women in the church are involved with small group Bible studies and prayer groups.

Our denomination has a variety of family retreats to offer, as well as retreats specifically tailored for women.
We have many family fellowship events throughout the year, as well as some for just women.

Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministries at College Reformed Church are aimed at stimulating fellowship, friendship and accountability in our common faith. This is accomplished through Bible Study, Prayer Breakfasts, fellowship events such our fall golf outing, and much more. If you are interested in more information, please contact Pastor Jason Thoman.

The men of the congregation are invited to cultivate IronMan relationships where two or three men gather on a regular basis to reflect on the scriptures, study a book, and pray together.

Once a year, the men of our church in the Ironman retreat. This retreat includes a speaker teaching on topics prevalent in a man’s life today.

Outreach & Evangelism

Every spring, we hold special evangelistic services and encourage people to bring friends and family to hear the gospel. Throughout the year we have trainings for people in the congregation to help them develop a lifestyle of evangelism.

The River Valley Fellowship is a Beaver-based outreach of College Hill Reformed Church whose goal is to glorify God and serve the Greater Beaver community.

For more information, contact Pastor Jason Thoman.