College Hill Reformed Church


For Christ's Crown and Covenant

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America

1560 – In the midst of the reformation, led by John Knox in Scotland, the Church of Scotland (presbyterian) was established

1566-1649 – James VI and Charles I reestablished their control over the church and declared:

  • The King is the head of the church.

  • Presbyterianism is treason.

  • Bishops and archbishops can only be appointed by the king.

  • The courts of the church may only meet when called by the king.

1638 – National Covenant was written

  • Written in response to the tyranny of Charles I:

    • Reaffirmed the gospel.

    • Clearly stated that Christ is king over the state and the church.

    • Scots promised allegiance to the king in his rule over civil realms.  

    • The king has no authority in the church.

  • Approved by the Scottish Church and the Scottish Parliament

1641 – 1651 – English Civil War

1643 – Solemn League and Covenant was written.

  • This Covenant was written to unite Ireland, England, and Scotland.  

  • Signed by the Church of Scotland, many in Ireland, English Parliament, and Westminster Assembly

  • Opposed King Charles I

  • Presbyterianism was the divine right of the church.

1649 – King Charles I was executed 

  • Oliver Cromwell took control in England.

  • Scotland invited Charles II to reign in Scotland only if he affirmed the covenants.

1649 – Charles II reigns as king in Scotland

  • Before he was crowned, Charles signed both covenants promising to protect presbyterianism.

  • Immediately upon being crowned king of Scotland he outlawed both covenants.

  • The King’s reign over the church (Episcopalianism) was imposed on Scotland.

  • Covenants were condemned as high treason.  

  • Anyone at any time could be asked to swear allegiance to the king acknowledging the King’s absolute supremacy in both spiritual and temporal matters. 

  • Many pastors in the church of Scotland swore allegiance to Charles II and accepted his rule over the church.

  • The pastors who refused were called “Covenanters” because they held to the covenants.

    • Covenanter pastors were removed from their parishes

    • Covenanters worshiped in the fields.  These gatherings were called “Conventicles”

    • Over the course of 20 years 18,000 covenanters were killed for their commitment to the Kingship of Christ.

1743 – Covenanters became known as Reformed Presbyterians

1774 – Reformed Presbyterian’s emigrated to America and set up the first presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America.  

  • The Kingship of Christ was applied in the a American context:

    • In Scotland, the covenanters fought for the kingship of Christ over the church.In America, the Covenanters fought for the kingship of Christ over the state.

  • Reaffirmed separation of Church and State.  

    • The King/president/congress rules over the civil realm.

    • The Elders rule over the spiritual realm.

  • The State must acknowledge Jesus as King

    • We reject the notion that government can be secular or irreligious.

    • Acknowledging Jesus as king includes both

      • Principle – Stating it in our Constitution

      • Practice – Patterning our laws after the Biblical moral law

1848 – Geneva College was founded and overseen by the RPCNA Synod.

1880 – Geneva College moved to Beaver Falls, PA, where it remains today.

1896 – The College Hill Church was founded and became known as the College Hill Reformed Presbyterian Church.

1925 – The current stone church building was built.

2006 – Pastor Titus was ordained and installed to serve as Pastor at College Hill

2015 – In response to high attendance at worship, the congregation bought another church building in the neighborhood and a good percentage of the congregation began worshiping in the new building for morning worship.

2020 – Those worshiping in the new building became organized as the Hope Community RP Church.

2021 – Pastor Hao was ordained and installed to serve as an Associate Pastor.

2022 – Pastor Jason was ordained and installed to serve as an Associate Pastor.

2022 – College Hill began the River Valley Fellowship, a church planting ministry in the Beaver/Bridgewater, PA area.

2024 – River Valley Fellowship became organized as the River Valley Reformed Church.